social media engagement1
How Changing This One Thing On Your FaceBook Business Page Posts Can Generate 1000% Increases in Engagement For Your Business.
Over the past several years I’ve worked with hundreds of small businesses to help them grow using digital marketing.

When you keep your ear to the ground to digital marketing strategies and techniques as much as I do, you start learning some amazing ways to generate more revenue.

Today I want to share with you a method that gets 1000% increase in engagement on your Facebook business pages and how to do it month-after-month.

The crazy part is how ridiculously simple this is, but yet so highly effective.

We refer to this method as the “Posting Model” and how it works so incredibly well for everyone we've shared it with.

I’m going to walk you through the exact model so you can use it in your business. Trust me when I say that this is completely worth implementing in your business.
The story behind how we discovered the “Posting” model.
We first stumbled onto this method when we were first getting started and not sure what we were doing.

We were working with a Real Estate Agent at the time and I was trying to get their Facebook business page more active and engaged, but I knew I just couldn’t post the same old stuff that other Real Estate Agents were posting.

I knew about Facebook marketing, but I really didn’t know where to begin. I wasn’t sure what I would post to his page.

I saw plenty of posts coming in from other businesses, but I didn’t want to be like them.

Then one day, I saw more of a cartoonish “meme” come in from a business we knew about and thought to ourselves that’s a good idea! It just had a more unique approach and I couldn’t wait to see the next one they were going to post.

“I didn’t know exactly what I would create, but after some thought I came up with the content I post today. And low and behold within just a short amount of time the phone began to ring.

It was a new client that had seen one of our posts from someone else who shared it.”

Over the next week or so they continued to receive more inquiries. The person would say that they had recently seen one of the posts and that got them thinking about their business.

The Real Estate Agent told me that this brought an additional 8 new clients that month and it averages between 5 and 10 new clients per month when he consistently posts on his Facebook business page.

He went on to inform me that it was so effective for him that he had to hire someone to help him out with it because it was just too much to do it all himself, especially with all the additional business.
The Psychology Of Why The Model Works So Well.
The crazy thing about this type of posting is that we never offer any type of deal or discounts or even any type of promotion.

You don't even mention your business specifically. Depending on your niche you talk about tips and tricks, facts and ways to accomplish things.
The secret is posting content that people actually are interested in viewing and reading.

We always posts about things relevant to the business and it positions them as an expert in there field without detracting from the post itself.

The reason that the posts draw people into any business is quite simple, they act as a great excuse to remind folks that you are there and that you're a bit different, standing out from the crowd.

The key here is that people who receive these posts are already fans of your page and they end up sharing them with their friends and family.

All you need to do is send them a subtle and entertaining reminder that you're still there and ready for them to do business again.

It really doesn’t matter how awesome your business may be, people just have too many day-to-day distractions. The posts are a very neat little way to remind folks that you're around and that they should come back (without bribing them to do so).
Examples Of The Kinds Of Posts That Work:
The Above Posts Works Because:
  • It's something that is topical.
  • ​It has actionable information.
  • ​It's about helping the reader.
  • ​It's unique and fun.
When you create content like that, people will read it and instantaneously have a “good feeling” about the business.

This then leads them wanting to come back and do business.
How To Get The Same Kind Of Results Without Having To Wrestle With The Tech Or Write And Design Any Of The Content For Your Posts.
You might be like a lot of our clients that we create content for. You’re a business owner that realizes just how profitable it is to frequently post on your Facebook business page to your existing audience, but you don’t have the time and/or desire to create all the content or even post it yourself.

If you’d like to have us do everything for you, just contact us by clicking the button below. We can do everything for you for as little as $99 per month or $199.00 one time if you'd rather post yourself. Either way, we'll help you get the same kind of benefits that posting content has gotten our other clients.